Leadership Development: Communications and Motivation; Understanding Behavioral Styles and Values in the Workplace

Strategic Concepts Leadership Development: Communications and Motivation; Understanding Behavioral Styles and Values in the Workplace, an intensive full one-day workshop, will provide you with astounding insight into yourself and others. 
You will learn how to
  • See yourself as others see you
  • See others as they see themselves
  • Read people to adapt and communicate better
  • Improve the productivity of yourself and others
  • Build real world leadership effectiveness
  • Leverage the “hidden motivators” in yourself and others
How you and others respond to problems, people, pace and procedures is revealed by your behavioral style. Built on the proven DISC model this interactive workshop will provide you with a thorough understanding of human behavioral styles. Through an included behavioral style assessment you will gain in-depth insight of your own behavioral style and preferences. You will also learn to recognize the behavioral style of others and adapt your communications for maximum impact. 

Why you and others act as you do are based on your values. Values can be thought of as the “hidden motivators’ because they are not easily observed. Through an included values and attitudes assessmentyou will gain in-depth insight of your own values and attitudes and will learn how they drive your life, actions and decisions. You will also learn how to recognize the driving force in others lives.

Why our course?
Unlike some volume workshops this is a limited participant setting with highly interactive course material. You'll leave energized with the knowledge gained. We're so confident that you will be benefit from the workshop we offer a full money back guarantee. 
  • Results driven, bottom line benefits
  • A people environment fostering communication and collaboration
  • Easy to follow along, step-by-step method
  • Proven model backed by validated research and decades of use
Registration fee includes:
  • Validated Free Parking
  • Continental breakfast, lunch, drinks and snacks
  • Detailed Behavioral Style and Values online assessments with reports
  • Workshop and online debrief of assessment reports
  • Course manual, worksheets and take-aways
  • Certificate of Completion